

Faculty Grant-in-Aid Awards

Each year, the Islamic Studies Program offers awards to support faculty travel, research, subventions for scholarly manuscripts, etc. The Program usually offers a limited number of competitive awards each grant cycle. Award amounts vary and depend upon our budget. Grant-in-aid awardees are selected based on need and relevance of the project to Islamic Studies (broadly defined).

All tenured, tenure-track and visiting faculty (including lecturers and professors of practice) with full-time appointments and multi-year contracts on the Bloomington campus are eligible to apply. Faculty in other Indiana University campuses, full-time faculty on research appointments, one-year visiting faculty, as well as retirees are ineligible. The Program requests that award recipients acknowledge our support in any product of their research, if applicable.


How to Apply

The Fall 2024 award competition is now open. Applications are due Wednesday, October 30, 2024 for funds covering activities between August 15, 2024 and December 31, 2024.

To apply, faculty must submit a project description, a detailed budget, and relevant supporting materials.

The project description should include the objectives of the proposed project or travel in 500 words or less.

For example, if support is sought for travel to an academic gathering please note the gathering’s title, venue, dates, and title of your panel and paper. If traveling to an archive or for field work, please note destination, dates, and objectives. If seeking subvention funds, please note exactly what the funds will be used for.