
Graduate Students

Graduate Student Travel Awards

Each year, the Islamic Studies Program offers a limited number of competitive awards to support graduate student travel to conferences or for field and archival work. 

We expect to award 1 or 2 awards of $500 and 2 or 3 awards of $250 level each cycle. Travel awardees are selected based on quality, significance of the proposed travel to career/degree progression, and relevance of the proposal to Islamic Studies (broadly defined).

All graduate students in good standing at IU Bloomington are eligible and encouraged to apply, although preference will be given to doctoral students. The Program requests that award recipients acknowledge our support in any product of their research, if applicable.



How to apply

How to Apply

The Fall 2024 award competition is now closed. The Spring/Summer competition will be announced in early 2025. 

To apply, students must submit a project description, a detailed budget, and relevant supporting materials.

The project description should include an explanation of how the funding will be used and why the proposed project is necessary for their research/progression through their program, in addition to the project's relation to Islamic studies and a timeline for completion (e.g. conference or travel dates). 

Because the Program is unable to cover all costs associated with conference and research travel, we encourage graduate students to apply for multiple sources of funding, and applications that include plans for seeking additional funding (if necessary) are viewed favorably.  

Graduate students may apply for retroactive funding to cover events that have already occurred in the fall semester.